The Beauty of Uniform Distribution Modulo One


The figures visualize local discrepancy of special point sets in the unit square. Discrepancy is a classical measure of the theory of uniform distribution modulo one. It determines the quality of equidistiribution.

The theory of uniform distribution deals with - nomen est omen - uniformly distributed point sets and sequences. It includes extensive developments within and among several mathematical disciplines and numerous applications, mostly in the fields of Monte-Carlo- and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (including areas like numerical integration, random number generation, stochastic simulation and approximation theory).

Using such graphical representations of (local) discrepancy, I want to demonstrate my understanding of the "beauty" of this theory.

For some details follow the links

  • K. Entacher. On the Beauty of Uniform Distribution Modulo One. The Mathematica Journal, volume 9 (3), 2005.
  • K. Entacher Schöne Theorie der Gleichverteilung. NOEO Wissenschaftsmagazin Salzburger Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen, Ausgabe 01/2001 (
  • K. Entacher. Discrepancy Estimates Based on Haar Functions. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 55, 49--57, 2001 (article.pdf).



Two large (1x1m) printouts of local-discrepancy are situated at the Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, University Salzburg, at the entrances of the blue and green lecture rooms.


Presentation of large printouts of local-discrepancy visualizations at ScienceWeek2001 (copy of the original ScienceWeek program in German):

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